Friday, November 16, 2012

Go Team!

 Know a UT fan who needs a unique Christmas gift? 

This painting is ready for you to wrap!  It is 8"x16" and sells for $30.

Not a fan of the Longhorns?  I can make something for your favorite team, too!  I'm really unbiased, but I live in Austin, so I figured I'd go with the home team.  And I have to say that A&M's defeat of Alabama was pretty impressive last weekend!  I'd love to paint you a "gig 'em" sign, or whatever you have in mind to support your school.

By the way, this can be hung with or without a ribbon on your wall.  It also looks great hanging on a front door from a wreath hanger.

Trim the Tree

 Thanksgiving is next week, and you know what that means.......

.....Christmas is right around the corner!

I've got these cute little ornaments for you to choose from.  Or get one of both!

If you have other ornament ideas I'd be happy make some custom, just for you!  They are 3"x4" and sell for $6 each.  These would be great little gifts for teachers or coworkers.

P.S.  This post is proof that I am a painter and not a photographer!  I apologize for the dim, blurry photos.  Cloudy skies and my little point-and-shoot camera don't get along very well.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The best way to spread Christmas cheer... singing loud for all to hear.

If you haven't seen Elf you need to come out from under your rock, find the DVD and watch it!  It's right up there with White Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! and A Charlie Brown Christmas on my list of all-time favorite Christmas movies.

This is my very first official order!  It is for Rebecca and her family.  She wanted this quote in red and white with polka dot ribbon.  The polka dots make me happy!  :)  Thanks for the order, Rebecca!  I love how it turned out and I hope you do, too!

And now I think we should all curl up on the couch with some candy canes and syrup and watch Elf!

Don't forget!  20% off your first order until November 23!